Our meeting will be hosted via Zoom. Please register in advance here
**Please register by 12:00 pm (noon) on Wednesday September 23**
JOIN US for our first leaders meeting of the fall! It has been an action-heavy spring and summer as Justice United leaders have answered the call for justice in our communities. Together we have delivered hundreds of members to support our resident-led campaign to address substandard conditions in three local mobile home parks, and to stand in solidarity against police violence and white supremacy.
Our meeting will include an evaluation of the mobile home park campaigns to date: what has been won and how all Justice United member institutions can support resident leaders in their continued efforts to negotiate improvements to their communities. A full agenda + supplementary materials will be sent for your review in advance of Sept. 24.
Despite the pandemic we have continued to act together and make real change in our communities. Please register today to join us and to continue our momentum into the fall and the new year.
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