Mental Health and Criminal Justice Wins!
From Maria Palmer, on Triangle Blog Blog: "The power and under-reported achievements of Justice United"
Chapelboro: "Orange County DA, Alliance Health Share Progress Update on Community Commitments"
News & Observer: "Orange County health provider pledges $500K for Latino mental health needs"
Enlace Latino: "Fiscal de distrito de Orange mantiene compromiso de programa para conductores sin licencia"
Community discusses Orange County's planned budget
On May 14, the first public hearing had a turnout of Orange County Justice United members, with two members speaking on the group’s behalf. “The issue of injustice we are discussing tonight is in the Orange County public school staffing,” Dewey Williams, pastor of Mount Bright Baptist Church in Hillsborough, said.
Orange County Schools has Few Black Teachers. Will Leadership Change Slow Progress?
A group that has pushed Orange County Schools to hire more black and bilingual teachers is cautiously recognizing progress, despite Superintendent Todd Wirt’s recent resignation and a surprising school board shakeup.
Social justice groups meet about racial equity concerns in schools
“I had a vision of new Orange County, one where...teachers could reflect the population of the students that they serve,” Lattisville Grove Pastor George Crews III said. “To make this change we need power — organized people acting consistently.”
Piden a candidatos más maestros y recursos para estudiantes inmigrantes
Las escuelas del condado de Orange tienen un cuerpo estudiantil cada vez más diverso, pero esto no se refleja en los maestros, consejeros y personal administrativo
Esfuerzo de latinas hizo posible propuesta para perdonar multas
La propuesta del Fiscal de Distrito James Woodall que aliviaría las multas y gastos de corte a ciertos conductores sin licencia en los Condados de Orange y Chatham, dado a conocer la noche del 28 de marzo, es el resultado de 16 meses de un arduo trabajo realizado en equipo por el movimiento “Padres Latinos del Condado de Orange”, con el apoyo de Justice United.
Change Will Help Orange Chatham Drivers Caught Without a License
The Orange-Chatham district attorney’s office is giving some drivers a second chance if they are caught without a license in the two counties.
The District Attorney's Test of Faith
On March 28, Orange-Chatham District Attorney Jim Woodall announced a new policy that will allow undocumented residents to feel safer driving in the two counties without fear of ruinous traffic court fines or even deportation.
Programa dará alivio a ciertos conductores sin licencia a partir de junio
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