When: Tuesday, April 26, 7-8:30 pm
Where: Hybrid participation
In-person option: Outside (under a tent) at Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church, 1929 Piney Grove Church Rd, Hillsborough, NC 27278
Rain plan: Thank you for your patience as we had to take longer than expected to make the call. Because of ongoing predictable weather and the need to set up sound and video equipment early, we will go with “Plan B” of meeting in the church fellowship hall. Masking will be required, and we will have masks and hand sanitizer on hand. Thank you!
Zoom Webinar link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81819500767
- Overarching goal: To build a public relationship of accountability with both candidates.
- We'll ask both candidates to commit to make specific changes, if elected, to increase transparency, consistency, and options for rehabilitation.
- We'll also ask both candidates to continue the outgoing DA's agreement, won by Justice United in 2016, to create an alternative to prosecution for safe drivers who can't get a license.
* Find the Assembly program (agenda and specific proposals we'll act the candidates to commit to enact) here.
More about the proposals:
- Find the specific proposals we'll make to the candidates here.
- Find the long-term road map for proposed change here.
About the candidates:
District Attorney Candidates' Assembly Co-sponsors:
- Orange County Bail/Bond Justice Project
- Inter-Faith Council for Social Services
- Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP Criminal Justice Committee
- Kehillah Synagogue
- Binkley Baptist Church
Learn from and support local leaders who've been impacted by the justice system:
- Leaders' testimonies from the Feb. 10 Justice United Assembly: Zoom recording here
- Prison From The Inside Out: One Man's Journey From A Life Sentence to Freedom, by Will Elmore: https://www.prisonfromtheinsideout.org
- Success While In Transition (founded by Will Elmore and Tommy Green)
- Reentry House Plus, Inc. (programming coordinated by Will Elmore and Tommy Green)
- Wounded Healers (co-founded by Edward Scott; Will Elmore and Tommy Green serve on the board)
- Straight Talk Support Group (founded by Bessie Elmore; Edward Scott on staff; Will Elmore on advisory board)
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