Join Clergy and Executive Directors from Durham CAN and Wake County for a special, two part regional clergy meeting on May 9, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, location to be confirmed (will be near Durham / Orange County line, accessible by Hwy 40 and 15/501). Lunch will be provided from Saladelia. RSVP.
Regional Clergy Meeting Agenda (descriptions below)
Part One: Increasing Financial Resources for your Congregation
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Part Two: Preparation for Meetings with NC Governor & Attorney General
10:30 am -12:00 pm
Increasing Financial Resources for your Congregations
This seminar is designed for clergy members, as well as staff and volunteer leaders of finance and stewardship teams of institutions in Durham, Orange and Wake Counties connected with the IAF.
Bob Connolly, an IAF Senior Organizer and owner of The James Company will lead the seminar. Over the last 35 years, The James Company has served over 1700 organizations, primarily congregations, in 26 states - helping those clients raise over $1.1 billion.
Topics include: Stewardship renewal programs to expand the annual giving of Time, Talent and Treasure; Capital Fund Appeals for Building Improvements and Debt Elimination; Planned Giving of Bequests.
This training is a result of increased Metro IAF capacity to provide congregational development support to IAF affiliated institutions. Contact JU organizer Devin Ross to learn more about this support.
Preparation for Meetings with NC Governor & Attorney General
This conversation will follow the discussion at our previous clergy meeting on March 7. The NC Congress of Latino Organizations (a sister IAF organization of JU) has secured meeting commitments from Governor Cooper and Attorney General Stein. The Congress has invited top leaders (clergy and executive directors) from JU and Durham CAN to attend.
Participation in this planning meeting is mandatory for all leaders who wish to attend. Spaces are limited - please confirm interest with JU organizer Devin Ross.
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