Close to 90 Justice United leaders gathered at our Countywide Leaders Meeting Thursday night to ratify the launch of our listening campaign, pledging to engage 1,000 members of their institutions over the next four months. The purpose of the campaign is to strengthen the relationships within and between our institutions, and to identify the top pressures impacting our communities countywide. 

The Listening Campaign has two parts: 

1) Face to face conversations between 200 Justice United leaders in March for the purpose of building public relationships, trust, and understanding between our many diverse institutions and communities.

Turnout Goal: 15-20 members from each participating institution to one of two relational meeting events in March (see below).  

2) A training series in April that will equip all participants with the ability to organize a series of listening sessions in their institutions: small group conversations of 10-15 people, for the purpose of identifying the top pressures facing our communities and surfacing shared interests and concerns.

Turnout Goal: 5-10 members from each participating institution to attend training in April (see below). 

Relational Meeting Events

Justice United will organize two virtual relational meeting events to bring our members together in conversation. Events will open with brief training, and then participants will be broken out into groups of two several times over the course of the evening. Turnout Goal: 15-20 members from each participating institution

The relational meeting events will be the same -- choose the day that works best for you!  

Relational Meeting Event 1
Thursday, March 4, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Please Register in Advance Here

Relational Meeting Event 2
Tuesday, March 9, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Please Register in Advance Here

Listening Session Training

The listening session trainings will be the same -- choose the day that works best for you!  

Justice United has organized two workshops in April to teach leaders how to organize and facilitate a listening session in their community. Turnout Goal: 5-10 members from each participating institution

Listening Session Training 1
Tuesday, April 13, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Please Register in Advance Here

Listening Session Training 2
Monday, April 19, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Please Register in Advance Here