Justice United has a new agenda! Over 80 leaders met at Lattisville Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Hurdle Mills on Sunday to prioritize top community concerns for action.

Leaders voted to focus on broad categories of concerns related to Housing, Jobs, and Immigration that were surfaced by the listening campaign this summer. Leaders formed three new research action teams and committed to develop specific issue campaign proposals within 60 days.

Teams are open for any interested individual who belongs to a Justice United member institution, or institution discerning membership. See the initial Team meeting dates here.

Attend the next Countywide Leaders Meeting to evaluate issue campaign proposals on Thursday, November 9, 7:00 - 9:00 pm, in Hillsborough (location TBD). Save the date!

Leaders affirmed Lattisville Grove Pastor George Crews III’s vision of a truly broad based organization: one capable of making change not only in Southern Orange, but in the often neglected North; a multi-racial organization where the interests of African American leaders would not be lost (especially Northern Orange leaders); where leaders of all races could learn how to build reciprocal, relational power, and make change on issues rooted in historic injustice.

The potential of this vision was on display Sunday. The diverse audience represented the broad base that was engaged by Justice United’s listening campaign this summer. At least 30% of attendees came from Hillsborough and Northern Orange Institutions. They were joined by faith and secular leaders from Chapel Hill / Carrboro, which included a strong contingent of IFC shelter residents and returning citizens.

Justice United is on the move. Join an action team and get involved. There’s work to be done!  





