March 22, 2022 at 7:00pm
1 hr 30 mins
Via Zoom
Meeting Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88313543452?pwd=VHlheWFxMENLOHBTYW4rS3o3WkxhQT09
In preparation for our District Attorney Candidates' Assembly April 26, this Teach-In is your chance to learn:
- Why the District Attorney is so powerful.
- How our Orange-Chatham District policies have fallen behind districts across the state and nation in terms of equity and transparency.
- History of how racism has created + shaped our justice system.
- The policy changes we'll ask both candidates to commit to implementing (read them here!) -- and why it matters.
- Directly from community members who've been impacted by the justice system.
- How you can help build power for a successful DA Candidates' Assembly and nonpartisan Get Out the Vote effort.
You can find the current list of proposed policy changes here.
District Attorney Candidates' Assembly Co-sponsors:
- Orange County Bail Bonds Justice Project
- Inter-Faith Council for Social Services
- Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP Criminal Justice Committee
- Kehillah Synagogue
- Binkley Baptist Church
Learn from and support local leaders who've been impacted by the justice system:
- Leaders' testimonies from the Feb. 10 Justice United Assembly: Zoom recording here
- Prison From The Inside Out: One Man's Journey From A Life Sentence to Freedom, by Will Elmore: https://www.prisonfromtheinsideout.org
- Success While In Transition (founded by Will Elmore and Tommy Green)
- Reentry House Plus, Inc. (programming coordinated by Will Elmore and Tommy Green)
- Wounded Healers (co-founded by Edward Scott; Will Elmore and Tommy Green serve on the board)
- Straight Talk Support Group (founded by Bessie Elmore; Edward Scott on staff; Will Elmore on advisory board)
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