Justice United is poised to make change on our top concerns, and the time to act is now!
Orange County Schools is about to enter another hiring season. Will they have the necessary resources in place to increase teacher diversity and bi-lingual staff? In the meantime, extremely low income tenants are facing a crisis of displacement and homelessness in Chapel Hill.
Join us to take action and win on these important issues. Orange County Schools Board of Education Chair Brenda Stephens and Superintendent Todd Wirt have been invited to attend to make a report on their progress with teacher hiring. Affordable Housing Team leaders will lift up our initial success with master leasing, and will chart a path forward towards a more inclusive and affordable Chapel Hill.
Please take the following actions to support our assembly:
1) Use this page to confirm your attendance today for our May 9 Assembly;
2) Recruit others from your institution to attend. Turnout pledges from your institution are available here for reference;
3) Download and distribute this bi-lingual flyer within your community.
Bus rides are available from Chapel Hill, leaving St. Thomas More at 6:30 pm. Please confirm your seat on the bus here.
Important information about the Board of County Commissioners' Public Budget Hearings
Orange County Schools has requested a per pupil funding increase from Orange County to fund their hiring strategies. The County will hold two public hearings on their budget during the week following our assembly on May 14 and May 16.
Please follow the links below to RSVP for one or both of these events to support the Orange County Schools budget request. We will caucus to pledge support for the OCS budget at our May 9 assembly following the progress report from OCS leadership.
Public Budget Hearing 1, May 14, 7:00 PM, Whitted Building, Hillsborough
Public Budget Hearing 2, May 16, 7:00 PM, Southern Human Services Center, Chapel Hill
For your reference: Orange County Schools Goals for Hiring and Diversity (presented to JU on 4/11/19)
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